Now that warmer weather has arrived, you’ll probably be spending more time outside on your concrete patio, walkways, or pool deck. With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that you want your exterior stained concrete to look as good as possible. What’s the best way to keep these areas in pristine condition? GW Brockelbank Concrete Contractors in Charlotte, NC wants to share some helpful advice. Here are some simple steps you should take when cleaning your exterior stained concrete:

  • Clear off debris – First, grab a broom or a leaf blower and clear away leaves, tree limbs, and other debris. These things are unsightly but they can also trap moisture. Trapped moisture can damage your concrete’s stain and its durability.
  • Rinse off with water – Next, grab a hose. You’ll need to give the area a thorough rinse before you apply any soap. This also helps you clear off any grime and dirt that’s accumulated.
  • Scrub with a mop – Now it’s time to cover the concrete in soap and mop thoroughly. Water alone isn’t enough to clean the concrete’s surface, and this type of deep cleaning will help extend the life of the stain.
  • Reapply sealer – Most importantly, as soon as you’re done deep cleaning your stained concrete, reapply sealant to the surface. This is vital for helping your concrete maintain its integrity. Sealants act as an invisible layer of protection against weather and foot traffic.

Are you looking to install decorative concrete floors or stained concrete? Call GW Brockelbank Concrete Contractors in Charlotte, NC, today. See how our expert concrete contractors can help you create the outdoor spaces you’ve always wanted!